Reed Screening and Konfir began their partnership in 2021 with the launch of Konfir's alpha platform. Together we set out to challenge the status quo in employment screening, by proving the potential for instant verifications to be adopted across multiple Reed Screening clients.
Employment referencing hasn't done much to evolve beyond phone and email. A Reed Screening analysis of 101,000 references showed that only 61% were being returned, of which 31% contained discrepancies and had to be cross-checked. What's more, references took 2-3 weeks to be completed, after sending an average of 1.4 chasers.
To drastically reduce the turnaround time of verifications, Konfir sat between Reed Screening and the end candidates they were verifying. When a new request from Reed Screening's clients was ready, an API integration triggered an SMS to be sent from Konfir to the candidate. This SMS invites the candidate to connect their Open Banking or Payroll data sources. In doing so, Konfir pulled relevant data for current employment, historic employment, or gap in employment periods. This data was returned to Reed Screening, who now had the transactional data required to prove that a candidate's employment profile matched what they had provided. The successful results of the trial can be seen below.
The conversion rate is much higher than I expected. Even though it's new, our candidates seem comfortable verifying via Konfir.
The process was simple and effective. For a young company, it was a smooth process that you would usually find from a larger firm